Our Soundtrack

When traveling to a new place one of the first things we often notice are the sounds, especially when the sounds are new and loud. Eventually, if you stay in one place long enough, you get used to those sounds and don’t even notice them. In this post, we will share with you some of the sounds that at first seemed impossible to ignore but now just become part of our daily life.

No matter what part of Morocco we travel too, this sound will always follow us. It is the call to prayer.


This following sound is one that we only hear once a week on Sundays right outside of our window. At first we would be awakened early to the sounds of vendors selling their goods, but now we can easily sleep through all the hustle and bustle of this busy weekly market.


This next sound was a little hard to get used to at night. Now unless they are especially rowdy, we sleep right through these gangs of canines.


This sound represents a whole host of sounds that float down through the stairwell from the TV of our upstairs neighbors. They seem to be always watching something, from Quranic readings to this popular Turkish soap opera “The Price of Love”.


For this last one, there are many sounds. These are the sounds from the street outside our house. See if you can identify the following:

A car horn, little kids talking, an adult talking, a buzzsaw, and a horse cart driving by.

I have heard that best soundtracks to movies are the ones you barely notice because the music and all the sounds perfectly fit the mood and atmosphere of the scenes. Therefore, I will take it as a good sign that we hardly notice our soundtrack any more. It must mean that the rhythm of our life is matched well to the music and sounds surrounding us.

Darija word of the Post:

سمع                   sm3                        listen

Blogging Abroad's Boot Camp Blog Challenge: Starting January 2015