So if you’re just learning of our upcoming Moroccan adventure, you probably have some questions for us.  Or maybe you’ve known that we are leaving, but haven’t taken your chance to ask yet.  Or maybe still, you’re one of those who has asked us these questions multiple times already, but doesn’t remember the answers…that’s ok.  We understand; we would forget the answers too if we weren’t required to repeat them so frequently.  So here is a list of the questions we answer most frequently.

Q: Where are you going?

A: Morocco.  If you want more detail than that, too bad.  We do too.  We know we will be in Rabat (the capital of Morocco) for a few months of training.  After that we will be somewhere in Morocco.  We’ll let you know when we find out, which we believe will happen sometime after we arrive in Rabat.

Q: Where in the world is Morocco?  Is that next to India?

A: Morocco is in the northwest corner of Africa (the Arabic word for Morocco – Maghrib – is related to the word for west because it is the furthest west the Arab empire reached).  It’s right across the Strait of Gibralter from Spain.  Remember that Jason Bourne movie where they went from Spain to Tangier?  That’s Morocco.

Q: Africa! Won’t you get Ebola?

A: No probably not.  You’re more likely to get Ebola in Texas than Morocco.  Morocco has a buffer called the Sahara Desert between it and where the Ebola outbreaks are occurring.  And if Ebola does make its way to Morocco, the Peace Corps will pull us out of the country.

Q: So what will you be doing in Morocco?

A: Good Question!  We will be teaching English at an after-school program.  Anne may be teaching at a women’s center, and along with teaching we will be encouraged to start other after-school activities and clubs for the youth in the community.  We would like to be able to give music lessons as part of that, but really it will depend on what the community wants and needs!

Q: Will you learn to speak Moroccan?

A: Yes we will!  Moroccans speak a dialect of Arabic called Darija.  We will take classes in Rabat, and then be thrown into the the deep end to swim…or sink…as Anne seems to fear.  They also speak French in much of the country.

Q: Will you come back to the US during your Peace Corps service?

A: Well, barring a family emergency, we do not plan to.  We will miss everyone here very much; we can’t begin to imagine how much we will miss you all, but that just means you will have to come visit us!

Q: Wait, I can come visit you?!

A: Yes!  Please do!  Just wait until we’ve been there for 6 months, and then we are allowed to have visitors.  We’ll take some time off, show you around Morocco, provide you with some delicious mint tea guaranteed to raise your blood sugar, and have a great time!

Q: Why are you doing this?

A: Now you’re asking good questions.

Q: Why thank you!

A: To answer that let’s start from the beginning…in 1988…ok not that far back…let’s say in 2010 we were dating, and one of the things we had in common was the desire to live overseas.  We both loved traveling, experiencing different cultures, and learning new languages.  Those things are still true for us today, and we want to experience life somewhere where our character and faith will be challenged to grow in ways it would not be here in the US.

Q: What does Barney Stinson think about the Peace Corps?


If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask us in person, or reply to this post!